About myself
My name is Benedikt Meurer, I'm a 25-year-old guy from good
old germany. I live in Siegen, a
medium size town 100 kilometers from Cologne. I'm a student of applied
computer science and electrical engineering at the Universität-GH Siegen.
I currently work for os-cillation as software developer. The major part of that work is spent on a KVM-over-IP solution with Embedded Linux. But I also work on the Xfld Linux Live CD, the Xfce installers, Terminal and other random projects.
A brief (yet incomplete) list of open source projects where I am involved or to which I have contributed is available here.
Most of my spare time was spent on developing for Xfce and related projects during the last years. Most of the Xfce stuff is available from my Xfce page.
For the upcoming 4.4.0 release of Xfce, we plan to provide an alternative file manager for people who don't like Xffm. The name of the project is Thunar.
Dot files
A mostly out-dated collection of some of my dot files is available on this page. I'll try to update them at some time.